■2018.12.28 "Year-End Buri" is streamed at niconico channel "Tokyo Headz" from December 28th, 2018 to January 4th, 2019. Please check more details from the following URL. https://ch.nicovideo.jp/tokyoheadz/
■2017.11.24 Year-end Screening 2017 will be held on December 3rd (Sun) 5:30PM open at Tsuki No Hanare, Ginza, Tokyo
■2017.10.11 "Year-End Buri (Buri no Oomisoka) is selected as one of 8 excellent shorts to be shown in streaming at niconico channel "Tokyo Headz" between November 17th and 23rd, 2017. Please check more details from the following URL. http://www.jmf.tokyo/archives/1050/
■2017.8.1 "Year-End Buri (Buri no Oomisoka) will be shown in streaming at niconico channel "Tokyo Headz" between August 11th and 17th, 2017. Please check more details from the following URL. http://www.jmf.tokyo/archives/859/
■2017.7.7 "Buri no Oomisoka" (Year-End Buri) is selected and will be screened at Tokyo Kanda Jimbo-cho Film Festival Returns on July 15 1pm (door open), 2017 at Kagayaki Plaza in Tokyo
■2017.4.15 "Buri no Oomisoka" (Year-End Buri) is selected and will be screened at IFS Film Festival on May 11 6pm, 2017 at Beverly Hills Music Hall, Los Angeles, CA
■2017.4.3 Screening! April 23(Sun) 3PM open at Tsuki No Hanare, Ginza
■2017.1.3 A Happy New Year from RAW FILM! And Best Wishes to All of You!
■2016.11.3 Year-end Screening! December 13(Tue) 8:30PM at Tsuki No Hanare, Ginza
■2015.12.7 "Year-End Buri" (Buri no Oomisoka) will be released for sale at Apple iTunes Store in Japan on December 15(Tue)!
■2015.5.20 "Buri no Oomisoka" (Year-End Buri) will be screened at EuroAsia Shorts 2015
on June 3, 2015 (at 6:30pm)
■2015.5.08 "Buri no Oomisoka" English site is opened
■2015.4.20 Trailer of "Buri no Oomisoka" is now uploaded
■2014.12.8 Starts Twitter (mostly in Japanese)
■2014.8.28 "Buri no Oomisoka" has received Encouragement award at
Nagaoka Indies Movie Competetion 2014
■2014.7.26 "Buri no Oomisoka" is selected to be screened at
Japan Off-theater Section of Sapporo International Short Film Festival 2014
■2014.5.20 Updated Work and About page
■2013.12.27 Short Film "Buri no Oomisoka" is completed
■2013.4.18 Finished filming new short film
■2008.8.4 Updated Link page